Wednesday 1 October 2014

Product of the week: Forever Bee Pollen

Each week I wish to bring you a write up and review my personal experience of one of the many Forever Living products. Forever Living offer a great range of products, including weight management, beauty and wellness, animal and domestic and much much more.

I am an independent distributor for Forever Living - "Forever Beautiful". Please visit my facebook page for more information on how you can purchase products and how you can become apart of the Forever Dream! 

This week I will focus on Forever Bee Pollen. 

Forever Bee Pollen has many benefits:
- multi vitamin 
- multi mineral
- energy booster
- digestive aid
- amongst others

So where does pollen come from?

Pollen is the male fertilising component of plant reproduction. Bees gather this pollen and deliver it back to their hives for food. Plants, trees and flowers would not be able to survive with out pollen and even humans depend on it. 

Forever gathers it's bee pollen in patented stainless reel containers from the blossoms ensuring that only the freshest and most concentrated is taken. Forevers Bee Pollen is 100% natural and does not contain any artificial flavours, colourings or preservatives. 

Bee Pollen contains a wide range of essential nutrients required by the human body to maintain health. Including, vitamins B, C, D, E, K and A. It is rich with minerals and enzymes, carbs, fatty acids, proteins and 22 amino acids including all 8 of the essential amino acids which the human body cannot manufacture itself, but needs them in order to be able to function. Bee Pollen is one of the most complete foods available and the human body could function on this alone with te addition of fibre and water. 

The human body is able to absorb Bee Pollen easily and many people benefit from taking this supplement. 

My own personal testimonial:

I began taking Forever Bee Pollen 5 weeks ago. Since then I have noticed a dramatic increased in my energy levels. I have ME (aka Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) and one of the biggest factors of this is feeling tired and drained. However since starting to take Bee Pollen I can say this has improved greatly! I have also noticed that on days when I am feeling particularly run down that within a few hours of taking the Bee Pollen I feel better than I did. I love this product and will be continuing to take it for sure. 

There are many benefits to taking Bee Pollen as you can see and when used in conjunction with other Forever Living products such as the Aloe Vera Gel, the benefits are multiplied. 

It is recommended that when starting to take Bee Pollen you start with a very small dose to check for allergies, building up to one tablet three times a day. 

For more information on this product and how you can purchase it, please contact me at or email 

Sources: Forever Living Products