Wednesday 1 October 2014

Product of the week: Forever Bee Pollen

Each week I wish to bring you a write up and review my personal experience of one of the many Forever Living products. Forever Living offer a great range of products, including weight management, beauty and wellness, animal and domestic and much much more.

I am an independent distributor for Forever Living - "Forever Beautiful". Please visit my facebook page for more information on how you can purchase products and how you can become apart of the Forever Dream! 

This week I will focus on Forever Bee Pollen. 

Forever Bee Pollen has many benefits:
- multi vitamin 
- multi mineral
- energy booster
- digestive aid
- amongst others

So where does pollen come from?

Pollen is the male fertilising component of plant reproduction. Bees gather this pollen and deliver it back to their hives for food. Plants, trees and flowers would not be able to survive with out pollen and even humans depend on it. 

Forever gathers it's bee pollen in patented stainless reel containers from the blossoms ensuring that only the freshest and most concentrated is taken. Forevers Bee Pollen is 100% natural and does not contain any artificial flavours, colourings or preservatives. 

Bee Pollen contains a wide range of essential nutrients required by the human body to maintain health. Including, vitamins B, C, D, E, K and A. It is rich with minerals and enzymes, carbs, fatty acids, proteins and 22 amino acids including all 8 of the essential amino acids which the human body cannot manufacture itself, but needs them in order to be able to function. Bee Pollen is one of the most complete foods available and the human body could function on this alone with te addition of fibre and water. 

The human body is able to absorb Bee Pollen easily and many people benefit from taking this supplement. 

My own personal testimonial:

I began taking Forever Bee Pollen 5 weeks ago. Since then I have noticed a dramatic increased in my energy levels. I have ME (aka Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) and one of the biggest factors of this is feeling tired and drained. However since starting to take Bee Pollen I can say this has improved greatly! I have also noticed that on days when I am feeling particularly run down that within a few hours of taking the Bee Pollen I feel better than I did. I love this product and will be continuing to take it for sure. 

There are many benefits to taking Bee Pollen as you can see and when used in conjunction with other Forever Living products such as the Aloe Vera Gel, the benefits are multiplied. 

It is recommended that when starting to take Bee Pollen you start with a very small dose to check for allergies, building up to one tablet three times a day. 

For more information on this product and how you can purchase it, please contact me at or email 

Sources: Forever Living Products

Thursday 25 September 2014

Clean 9 - Forever Living

Hi all!

Today I wish to give you a day by day breakdown of my experience of using the Clean 9, Forever Livings cleanse and diet programme. The programme is designed around Aloe Vera gel and its aims are to cleanse the body of toxins and give weight loss a kick start.

Before we begin, let me tell you a bit about my background...

4 years ago I was a very slim, size 10, weighing in at a healthy 11 stone, I was active, could pretty much eat anything I wanted and never worried about my appearance or clothes not fitting. I took it all for granted. Then in 2011 I found that all of a sudden the weight started piling on, I started watching what I was eating, but this became impossible because of severe stomach pains. I tried to up my exercise, but this became impossible due to extreme fatigue. Cut a long story short, it soon became clear I was quite poorly, and was eventually signed off my work, eventually leading to me giving my job up altogether.

To say I was depressed was an understatement, I was stressed, in pain, tired yet not sleeping, with no sign of any diagnosis, and the weight was still piling on! Eventually after many tests and ruling various illnesses out I was diagnosed with ME (Myalgic Encephalopathy) aka Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. There is no medical treatment for this illness, and no cure. However overtime I have learnt to deal with the illness, my tiredness has improved, I control my stomach pains with medication and diet, and I am now a fully qualified Beauty Therapist working in a salon, and I also attend college studying Sports Therapy. While my health has improved I still have 'bad' days and the one thing I have not resolved is my weight! At my heaviest sitting at about 16 stone and normally sitting around 15 stone. After many yo yo diets loosing weight and regaining, I joined Forever Living and in turn have tried the Clean 9. Here I will tell you how I got on...

The Clean 9

What you get in your pack:

3 x Aloe Vera Gel
1 x Garcinia Plus Tablets
1 x Bee Pollen Tablets
1 x Shaker
1 x Milkshake Tub (chocolate or vanilla)
1 x Tape Measure
1 x Log Book
1 x Beaker

You receive everything you need for the 9 day plan.

Days 1 and 2

For the breakdown of what you consume on each day please visit:

Day 1: First day on the plan I was raring to go and surprised myself as I didn't feel hungry the whole day. I kept myself hydrated by drinking plenty of water and stuck to the plan completely. That night for the first time in over a year, I slept right through the night without the aid of a sleeping tablet. I can not tell you how great this feeling was!

Day 2: Much the same as Day 1, I was feeling determined and did not feel hungry, again I kept myself hydrated but I added some lemon and lime to my water to give it a slight flavor. I was feeling great and again I slept right through the night.

Days 3 - 9

Day 3: Admittedly by Day 3 I was beginning to miss eating, not through hunger, but through the psychological knowledge that I hadn't physically chewed anything for a few days. I was looking forward to my meal. I had a chicken breast with a whole bunch of roasted veggies (TOP TIP: Work out your meal calorie content using my fitness pal and weigh and measure your food!!). I was absolutely stuffed after my meal and again went to bed feeling great and woke up feeling fresh!

Day 4: Day 4 went the same as the other days, with one exception, extra temptation! I had a meal at a friends house in the evening and people would be drinking alcohol and eating lots of food. The menu was fajitas and my friend kindly prepared me a low calorie option! I enjoyed the evening but was a bit fed up that I couldn't have a glass of coke or something, but never the less got through it!

Day 5: An easy day for me! I was at work so no time to think about eating as Saturday is too busy. And in the evening I really enjoyed my meal!

At this point I have been taking my measurements and weighing in as advised by the book you receive and was given a motivation boost by seeing a reduction in inches and smaller numbers on the scales!

Day 6: A tougher day! My day off, and my only day with my boyfriend. Sunday has always been our 'treat' day. Not wanting to go off plan, I stuck to my shakes and supplements, but in the evening I did have my meal from the Chinese takeaway, I made good choices, but if I am being totally honest I probably went over my 600 calorie allowance :(

Day 7: Feeling annoyed with myself from the day before I got back on plan properly with my shakes and in the evening I had stir fried lean beef steak and veggies. A tasty option :) I was feeling back on track, although my sleep was not as good and this was my own fault for having the Chinese food!

Day 8: Still on track and a day at college, however on this day I swapped my 600 calorie dinner for lunch instead. I didn't find it made a difference and the day went well.

Day 9: The final day! Hurrah!! I stuck to the plan with my shakes but probably went over calories on my dinner (naughty me!!) but I still felt super proud of myself for making it to the 9th day!!

Throughout the 9 days I upped my physical activity, I did this with workouts in the gym, walking my dogs for longer, taking the stairs instead of the lift, and aerobics.

Now for the results!!

My starting weight was 14'11. I would like to point out that my weight was previously 15'3 but I had been eating healthily for two weeks leading up to my cleanse, to 'pre-cleanse' the body.

My finishing weight was 14'5! Thats a total loss of 6lbs! And I lost 6.5inches!!

Some of you might be sitting there going well that's not that much, well you are still overweight etc, but I feel better than I have in a long time and this is a significant healthy weight loss!!

 It has taken some courage, but I now post my before and after photos below!


It is my intention to continue working with the Forever Living products to loose more weight, my target is to get down to 12 stone, so another 2'5 to go!! My overall opinion of the Clean 9: DO IT!! Stay motivated, imagine the cleaner healthier you! I feel the plan has improved my health and well being and improved my weight loss. I will keep you updated here on my blog!!

For more information about the Clean 9, please visit my facebook page and get in touch with me, alternatively please email

Thanks for reading and I hope you have found this helpful, much love H xx

Wednesday 24 September 2014

A new beginning...

Hello and Welcome!

This is my new blog! You may have read a blog written by me before but unfortunately I had to stop writing due to illness. Now I am well again, and have started a new adventure, with my business Forever Beautiful, selling Forever Living Aloe Inspired products. Here in this new blog I will bring you information about the products I sell, the life Forever Living gives me and other information!

I look forward to sharing my life and business with you all again!

Much Love Harriet Christine xx